Verbal Judo | The art of verbal de-escalation
Managing your own emotions, how to absorb the tension in the room, specific scripting for different levels of tumult and disturbance, and the power of the cheeseburger. Listen
Nonviolent Communication
Eliminates useless strategies like judgment and proving yourself right and instead gives you absolutely tactical techniques to get the things you need for happiness for yourself and your interlocutor. The Primer. Real World Applications
The Bob Ross School of Trauma
How Bob Ross can help invoke calm during crisis, the Chuck Norris mode of trauma resuscitation, why Bob Ross is your trauma room spirit animal, finding your feet, the power of acknowledging mistakes. Listen
Mastering Communication When It Matters Most
The ethical imperative of the well-deserved compliment; navigating difficult conversations; communicating with trainees, nurses, and new learners; and tips for dealing with patient anxiety. Listen
Listening to Understand versus Listening to Win
Specific techniques for quality listening, potential pitfalls, and how to know when you’ve got it right. Listen
Feedback can be hard to give and harder to receive. Here are techniques to do both better.
The basics of feedback, why cloaked or hidden feedback can be so dangerous, and critical skills for both delivering and receiving feedback. Listen
I Was Unlucky, But You Frankly Suck. The Fundamental Attribution Error.
None of us are immune from the Fundamental Attribution Error – chalking up the behavior of others to their character rather than the situation in which they find themselves. Listen
The Drama Triangle | How it impacts your relationships
The Drama Triangle identifies our roles in dysfunctional interpersonal dynamics. This has strategies to disentangle ourselves from ‘drama’, and explore practical tools to identify and navigate the dynamics of our own interactions. Listen
Trapped in a World of Bad Advice
The tightrope between asking and telling. Listen
The Spock Retreat
How to tell patients ‘No’, why logic isn’t the best response to emotion. Listen
What is Your Intent When You Respond In Anger?
When you react in anger, what is your intent? Often it’s to lash out (or there’s no real intention, just reflex); the reflective and thoughtful part of your brain is taken out of the picture. Listen
How to Be an Effective Leader
Leadership lessons from a SWAT physician and a US army colonel who coordinated the international Ebola response. Listen
How to Be An Expert Witness with Amal Mattu and Rich Orman
Pearls from a seasoned expert witness and an attorney on how to do this well and easily avoidable mistakes. Listen
Five Specific Techniques for Excellent Presentations with Ross Fisher
Structuring a lecture with spaced repetition so your audience truly understands your message, fielding questions, staying on message, and how to (and how not to) use a script in lecture preparation. Listen
Tough Love and Social Capital
Setting expectations early helps to manage complaints later, managing those who degrade social capital, redirecting conflict to mutual benefit, and how understanding what motivates others’ behavior keeps you from taking things personally. Listen